Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

aadhira arora

2nd of May 2020 | 2 Likes


Career Counselling is a scientific process to empower students and professionals to select the best career suited for them. During the process, the counsellors explore the client s interests, aptitude, personality and various other factors which are crucial. For the process an expert is required due to the following reasons :

  • A counsellor uses psychometric tools either in online or offline mode to help discover these factors. An online version is preferred these days due to more accuracy. An expert can only use these tools. A person with no training would not be able to come up with accurate results. 
  • An expert counsellor will have the best knowledge of their careers. They can provide you with the careers with the highest demand. 
  • The expert can only understand your needs and help you in the process. The best career counselling in Delhi and India are provided by the expert counsellors only. 

Hence, always go for a counsellor with experience and expertise. 

Shantilal Parmar

29th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Each and every human being a god s gift to this world. This is the broad world with immense scope and opportunties to live a better and worthy life. Each one has different skills, abilities and knowlege to live a life with specific nterests. A student doesn t have enough and analytical knowledge of the world and so he/she needs proper guidance to select the right path to fulfill dreams. An expereinced career counselor has all the expertises to identify, analyse and match the proper career options for the candidate. He will also describe in details what are the right (fruitful) options and what are the wrong paths. An expert also will make follow up with parents and student in supporting the post-counselling guidance. 

Only a career caounselor can help the candidate to choose a right path matching to his/her abilities, personality and interests.

isetcareer bgl | B.E, M.E, PGDPPTTC, CCA...

9th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


A career Counsellor will make you realize your true potential, talents, skills and interest, clarity of goals, various career options that are suitable to you, thoughtful education and career choices.

Career counsellor use a scientific method to understand one s career path based on personality, interest, ability, learning style, priority of towards work and value in their life. Career Counsellor will make students understand suitable career streams and he will prepare a career plan. Thereby, students can follow their passion.

Wit Explore Centre For Career Development

1st of November 2020 | 2 Likes


Time and tide waits for none.Choosing a wrong a career path not only rob peace from mind but also wasted your valuable years.We live 50% of our life with our choosen career.It affect our earning capasity and quality of life.So choosing the best career option is very important.

An expert career counselor can help us to find our best fitted career option.we cant predict the personality,interest,skill and ability just by observing someone.A career counselor with help of a psychomertic test can identify the traits and give the suggestion accordingly.

So while you are taking an important decision of your life ,its better to take an expert advice.


neerav English Coach | B.E. ( Bachelor of Engine...

2nd of August 2021 | 2 Likes


We have a very bad culture in India that is to advise with confidence.

Teachers are the people who believe that they know everything about the career. Teacher knows many things about his students but he doesn't know which is the best career for his students.

Because he doesn't know much about career opportunities.. actually no one can know that much about career options...

There are 12000 careers in the world. How can you say that which is the best match for your students or your son or your daughter.

You must have the intense training to be a career counselor. You also should be able to work with artificial intelligence guided computers...

Fortunately we have a great network like a edumilestone... So, an expert career counsellor can get miraculous result working with artificial intelligence guided by artificial intelligence.

It is not possible for a common man or a common parents are common teachers to guide student for the rest of the life

Most of the students lives are ruined because of this cheap counselling. Unknowingly with all their good intention they misguid their children n their students. 

They will do it for very long that is what I understand but you should be very much aware before you choose any career or you give guidance to anybody.

Common man cannot operate like a doctor.. most of the doctors are also not very expert in operation. It requires very special kinds of skills.

Same way career counselling is a very very unique skill and very less people are blessed with the skills. 

Neerav career counselor and career coach from personality development academy
